Saturday, February 25, 2017


Age of Sail Heritage Centre
General information, FAQ, history, newsletter, memorial to those lost at sea, and the Blacksmith Shop. Located in Port Greville, Nova Scotia.
Archelaus Smith Museum
General and contact information. Centreville, Nova Scotia.
Canadian Canoe Museum
Collection includes birch bark canoes, dug outs, northern kayaks and classic commercial canoes. Located in Peterborough, Ontario.
Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre
Offers hands-on courses in traditional boat building techniques, restorations and a boat museum. Located in Cowichan Bay, British Columbia.
Green Park Shipbuilding Museum and Yeo House
Exhibits, events, and visitor information. Located on Prince Edward Island.
The Lockmaster's House Museum
General information, the home, exhibits, and the memory wall. Located in Chaffey's Lock, Ontario.
The Marine Museum of Manitoba
Schedule, exhibits, tours, and upcoming events. Located in Selkirk.
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes
Museum information, including hours, exhibits, events and bed and breakfast facilities. Located in Kingston, Ontario.
Mariners Park Museum
Retraces early shipping history on the Canadian Great Lakes.
Mariners Park Museum
Historical, general, and visitor information. Located in Prince Edward County, Ontario.
Maritime Museum of British Columbia
Has exhibits and artifacts representing British Columbia's maritime heritage.
The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
Part of the Nova Scotia Museum, specializing in marine history of Atlantic Canada. Includes information on exhibits, admission prices and hours of operation.
Muskoka Lakes Museum
Located in Port Carling, Ontario with over 5000 artifacts. Strong focus on the marine exhibit, also glassware, pioneer tools, postcards, and a Victorian collection.
Rideau Canal Visitor Centre
Features displays and artifacts about the canal, built between 1826 and 1832. Exhibit details, calendar of events, photos, membership information, and location map. Located in Smiths Falls, Ontario.
Vancouver Maritime Museum
Interprets the story of Canada's Pacific port and its links with the Pack Rim with artifacts, models, paintings, photographs. Includes virtual tour, upcoming events, educational programs, hours, fees, directions. Located in Vancouver, British Columbia.
W. Laurence Sweeney Fisheries Museum
Exhibition of east coast marine heritage at a simulation of a traditional fishing wharf, complete with fishing, processing and repair sheds, wharf decks and even a coastal freighter. Located in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.

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